This vignette illustrates the use of the funqtl package for QTL mapping with function-valued traits (e.g., growth measured over time).
We will consider the analysis of a simulated data set, simspal
. There are 162 recombinant inbred lines typed at a total of 234 markers on 5 chromosomes.
We first load the funqtl package (which will also load R/qtl and other packages) and the data.
Here’s a quick summary of the data.
## RI strains via selfing
## No. individuals: 162
## No. phenotypes: 241
## Percent phenotyped: 100
## No. chromosomes: 5
## Autosomes: 1 2 3 4 5
## Total markers: 234
## No. markers: 26 42 64 35 67
## Percent genotyped: 98.6
## Genotypes (%): AA:49.8 BB:50.2
The following plots the genetic marker map and the function-valued trait for five of the RIL.
plotMap(simspal, main="")
plot(1:241, simspal$pheno[160,], type="l", xlab="Time",
ylim=c(-120,0), ylab="Root Tip Angle (degrees)")
ind <- c(19, 20, 132, 72)
color <- c("blue", "red", "green", "orange")
for(i in seq(along=ind))
lines(1:241, simspal$pheno[ind[i],], col=color[i])
We first perform single-QTL genome scans at each time point, individually.
We use calc.genoprob
in R/qtl to calculate QTL genotype probabilities and then scanone
to perform the genome scans, using Haley-Knott regression (Haley and Knott 1992). We’ll perform calculations solely at the marker positions (step=0
) to speed up the calculations. We’ll also consider only every fifth time point.
phe <- seq(1, nphe(simspal), by=5)
simspal <- calc.genoprob(simspal, step=0)
out <- scanone(simspal, pheno.col = phe, method="hk")
The function geteffects
estimates the QTL effect at each locus, for each time point.
eff <- geteffects(simspal, pheno.cols=phe)
The function plotlod
plots a heat map of signed LOD scores: the LOD scores, taking the signs of the estimated effects.
plotlod(out, eff, phe, gap=15,
main="The LOD image of the simspal data set",
The x-axis represents genomic position and the y-axis represents time, and so each horizontal slice is a genome scan for one time point. We plot a signed LOD score, with the sign representing the estimated direction of the QTL effect. The most prominant QTL are on chromosomes 1 and 4.
The chromosome 1 QTL affects later times, and the chromosome 4 allele affects earlier times. There is an additional QTL of interest on distal chromosome 3
out1 <- scanoneF(simspal, pheno.cols = 1:241, method="hk")
The SLOD and MLOD statistics combine the results across time points, by taking the average or the maximum LOD, respectively, at each genomic location.
plot(out1, ylim=c(0,3.5), main="The SLOD curve for simspal data",
abline(h=2.02, col="red", lty=3)
plot(out1, lodcolumn=2, ylim=c(0,7),
main="The MLOD curve for simspal data", bandcol="gray90")
abline(h=3.46, col="red", lty=3)
# permutation threshold
# permout <- scanoneF(simspal, pheno.cols=1:241,
# method = "hk", n.perm=1000)
# display 5, 10 % threshold of permutation result
# summary(permout)
The results are in Figure above. Horizontal lines indicate the 5% genome-wide significance thresholds, derived by a permutation test. We didn’t run the code above since it takes a long time (about one hour maybe) .
#qtlslod <- stepwiseqtlF(simspal, pheno.cols = 1:241,
# max.qtl = 6, usec = "slod",
# method = "hk",
# penalties = c(2.02, 2.62, 1.74) )
simspal <- calc.genoprob(simspal, step=0)
qtlslod <- makeqtl(simspal, chr = c(1, 4),
pos = c(36.6, 27.8), what = "prob")
function returns qtl object by using stepwise QTL selection. It takes long time to run this function, so I run makeqtl
function to get the result of stepwiseqtlF
function. You will get the same result if you run stepwiseqtlF
lodmat1.c <- getprofile(simspal, qtl = qtlslod, pheno.cols = phe,
formula = y~Q1 + Q2 , method = "hk",
verbose = F, tpy="comb")
plotprofile(lodmat1.c, mval = 8, col=heat.colors(100)[100:1],
main="The Profile LOD image of data")
You can get profilelod image by using
function and plotprofile
function. You need to have an option step = 0
in calc.genoprob
refqtlslod <- refineqtlF(simspal, pheno.cols = 1:241,
usec = "slod", qtl= qtlslod,
method = "hk", keeplodprofile = T)
## pos: 36.63177 27.79762
## Iteration 1
## Q1 pos: 36.63177 -> 36.63177
## LOD increase: 0
## Q2 pos: 27.79762 -> 27.79762
## LOD increase: 0
## all pos: 36.63177 27.79762 -> 36.63177 27.79762
## LOD increase at this iteration: 0
## overall pos: 36.63177 27.79762 -> 36.63177 27.79762
## LOD increase overall: 0
You can also make slod profile(or mlod profile) curve by using refineqtlF
and plotLodProfile
slodeff <- vector("list", nphe(simspal))
for(i in 1:nphe(simspal)) {
slodeff[[i]] <- summary(fitqtl(simspal, phe=i, qtl=qtlslod,
method="hk", get.ests=TRUE,
nam <- names(slodeff[[1]])
slodeff <- matrix(unlist(slodeff), byrow=TRUE, ncol=length(nam))
colnames(slodeff) <- nam
time <- (0:240)/30
To further characterize the effects of the QTL in the context of the inferred multiple-QTL models, we fit the selected multiple-QTL models at each time point, individually. the estimated baseline function and the estimated QTL effects, as a function of time. The estimated QTL effects in panels are for the difference between two alleles.
plot(time, slodeff[,1], lwd=2, type="l",
xlab="Time (hours)",
ylab="Tip angle (degrees)", col="red", ylim=c(-110,0))
mtext("baseline curve", side=3, line=0.5)
plot(time, slodeff[,2], lwd=2, ylim = c(-5,9), type="l",
xlab="Time (hours)",
ylab="QTL effect", col="red")
mtext("chr 1, 37 cM", side=3, line=0.5)
plot(time, slodeff[,3], lwd=2, ylim = c(-5,9), type="l",
xlab="Time (hours)",
ylab="QTL effect", col="red")
mtext("chr 4, 28 cM", side=3, line=0.5)