About me

I am an Associate Professor in the Department of Applied Statistics at Chung-Ang University; research in deep learning, signal processing, statistical genetics and biostatistics.

I received the BS degree in mathematics in 2006, from Korea University, and a MS in statistics in 2008, under supervison of Myung-Hoe Huh. I got a PhD in statistics (minor was in computer science) in 2014, from the University of Wisconsin-Madison; My PhD advisor was Karl Broman. I was a postdoctoral associate with Wei Pan and Daniel Garry at the University of Minnesota-Twin Cities, 2014-2017. I worked at Samsung Research from 2017-2019. And now, I am working at Chung-Ang University from 2019.

I am applied statistician focusing on problems in statistical genetics and deep learning applications. I am eager to design new methods for big and complicated data. I am also excited to develop new useable tools for the method so that those methods can be widely adopted and used by other researchers. My research interest can be summarized as:

  • Real-world big data analysis: Develop new service that combines enterprise big data
  • Biostatistics: statistical methodology and software development for bio-data analysis
  • Deep learning applied to audio
  • Signal processing

  • Contact information

    Il-Youp Kwak

    Associate Professor
    Department of Applied Statistics
    College of Business & Economics
    84, Heukseok-ro, Dongjak-gu,
    Seoul 06974
    Republic of Korea

    Phone: 02-820-5390
    Email: ilyoup.kwak at gmail dot com
    google scholar
    Il-Youp Kwak

    Data Competitions

  • 2023.5 [3rd] Our CAU_KU team (So-Yul Han, Taein Kang, Sunmook Choi, Jaejin Seo, Sanghyeok Chung, Sumi Lee, Seungsang Oh, Il-Youp Kwak) ranked 3rd place at the IJCAI 2023 Challenge on Audio Deepfake Detection, Track 1.2 (fake audio detection track). [ Link to challenge | paper ]
  • 2022.9 [3rd] Our Unlock_DNA team (Wuming Gong, Byeong-Chan Kim, Juhyun Lee, and Il-Youp Kwak) ranked 3rd place at the DREAM challenge "Predicting gene expression using millions of random promoter sequences." [ Challenge paper | Proformer paper ]
  • 2022.9 [3rd and 5th] Our CAU_UMN team (Jungguk Lee, Taein Kang, Narin Kim, Soyul Han, Hyejin Won, Wuming Gong, and Il-Youp Kwak) ranked 3rd place on Heart Murmur Detection, and 5th place on clinical outcome prediction from Phonocardiogram Recordings at the George B. Moody PhysioNet Challenges. [ challenge results | conference paper | journal paper ]
  • 2022.1 [3rd] Our CAU_KU team (Il-Youp Kwak, Jonghoon Yang, Yerin Lee, Sunmook Choi and SeungSang Oh) ranked 3rd place at the ICASSP 2022 Grand Challenge on Audio Deepfake Detection, Track 1 (Low quality fake audio detection). [ Link to challenge | paper ]
  • 2020.3 [Winner of a Biomedical Data Competition] Our team (Il-Youp Kwak and Wuming Gong) won both Subchallenges 2 and 3 of the Allen Institute Cell Lineage Reconstruction DREAM Challenge [ Challenge paper | DCLEAR software ]

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